I do things maybe

Age 30, Male


Your armpit

Joined on 12/15/06

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A long time ago now I used to spend my spare time making music, and uploading it to Newgrounds. Despite how empty my account appears now (to be explained shortly), this website truly was a massive part of my formative years, and I spent hours here almost every day from 2006 till about 2012, and still check in now and then today.

At making music, I was decent I guess; I made a few fans and got some accolades, but unfortunately was also incredibly insecure about it, and after some time I deleted all the original FL Studio files from my PC, and almost all online presence. Some scant few songs still survive here on NG in their original forms.

In retrospect, that was a really dumb thing to do and I regret it a lot, because despite my weird teenage neuroticism I truly enjoyed the time I spent making these expressions of my creativity, and I really wish I still had access to those original creation files.

Recently, one of my old hard drives failed (nothing important, thankfully), and in the process of checking up on my other drives I ended up discovering my original song mp3's sequestered away in some long forgotten, ancient folder. Rather than run the risk that they too are lost when the drive finally dies, I've decided to re-upload them here for posterity, original names and everything. I may even return one day when I have the free time to afford to music production, who knows. In any case I hope they are enjoyed by whoever might stumble on them; maybe they'll be rediscovered by the original fans (dozens!).

Thanks for reading, and keep rocking the free world.


Postscript: there was also that time from about 2010-2012 when I was a Brony, and as a result some of the songs have MLP related titles and/or themes. I don't regret that span of my life but in retrospect it was definitely a weird time. Don't hate, just appreciate.

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100 Maggots 10 Points

Okay, that's kinda cool

10 Maggots 5 Points

not that impressive but good start ig...

Charge!! 5 Points

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And another thing...

Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 19, 2010.

It was bound to happen

Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 19, 2010.


Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 19, 2010.


Added to levels for Time Fcuk Jan 1, 2010.